India is one of the fastest growing economies. When there was a sudden worldwide freeze in hiring due to COVID lock down; many skilled and unskilled workers lost their job. But post COVID the scenario is different. A sudden increase in demand for skilled and unskilled workers and professionals is seen, while there are no changes in Supply.
Investment by Foreign investors and companies in India, gave rise to opportunities in the form of new Job opening in all sectors. With focus of companies on Talent acquisition, demand for experienced resource increased.
This reflected in candidates getting multiple offers from different companies, and candidates landing in confusion to choose the right offer.
Like the Law of Demand states; since the demand is high, due to multiple job opportunities, higher demand for salary is expected by professionals.
Without giving my judgments, I always provoke my candidates and friends to give a thought on –
“How long do you think, companies will hire a candidate at higher cost, which in turn is a reduction in the companies’ profits.
How long do you think you can survive when you are hired at a salary higher than the market standards?
How long you think this disequilibrium in the market will prevail?
What do you think will happen to your job once this bubbled market settles?
What do you think is better in the long run; Higher SALARY or a Better ROLE?”